Privacy Policy

Data Protection Declaration

The Ecosummit conferences and this website are produced and published by:

Ecosummit GmbH, Neuenburger Str. 19, 10969 Berlin, Germany

(Formerly Mobile Economy GmbH until 10 December 2019)

Register Court Berlin Charlottenburg: HRB 78519

Mobile Economy GmbH attaches the greatest importance to data protection and data security. Mobile Economy GmbH processes personal data that is collected when the web pages are visited in accordance with the statutory provisions, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG), the Data Protection Regulation (Datenschutzgrundverordnung, DSGVO) and the Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz, TMG). In the following, you will learn about which information we store and how we deal with it.

This privacy policy is always available on our website and can be reached from any web page on the domain via the link in our top menu.

Data Protection Officer and contact person

Jan Michael Hess, Chief Executive Officer (Geschäftsführer) and Data Protection Officer
Email: jan
Mobile: +49 176 21208417

Please contact our Data Protection Officer if you have any questions regarding this privacy policy.

Collection, processing and use of personal data

Personal data is collected on our website by means of various online forms, this data is needed to answer your questions and respond to your requests. Mobile Economy GmbH is obliged to process only the personal data that is necessary for carrying out these procedures. Some data that is not absolutely essential is collected optionally and may be given voluntarily. We always treat the data we collect from you confidentially and process it only for the stated purpose. The data is not transmitted or passed on to third parties unless this is necessary for the execution of the service or we are obliged to do so by law.

All the data you enter on our web pages is protected by Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption and transmitted in a secure way.

We collect personal data in the following situations:

Use of the website for informational purposes only, i.e. if you do not log in with a customer account or otherwise submit information to us
When subscribing to our newsletter
In the processing of online orders
Where the website is used for information only, we do not collect any personal data, with the exception of the items of information that your browser sends to allow you to visit the website. These are:

IP address
The date and time of the request as well as time zone
Content of the request (specific page)
Access status/HTTP status code
The website from which the request has come
Browser version, operating system and installed plugins and fonts
The data in the so-called log files is evaluated by us in anonymous form, in order to further improve the website, to make it more user-friendly and to find and fix errors more swiftly. It is also used to control the server capacity.


On our website, we offer the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter. With this newsletter, we offer information at regular intervals about our offers. To subscribe to our newsletter, we use the so-called double opt-in procedure, i.e. after subscribing, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing a confirmation link. We store the IP address and the date and time of the registration confirmation in order to be able to prove the subscription was done by you. Your e-mail address will not be disclosed to third parties.

For our newsletter we use MailChimp, a marketing automation service provided by the Rocket Science Group LLC, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308 USA.

As a standard feature of MailChimp, it is possible to unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time with the help of the link “unsubscribe” at the bottom of every newsletter.

Website analytics with Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics uses cookies in order to analyse web pages with regard to your user behaviour. The information generated by cookies about the use of this website is sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, your IP address is abbreviated prior to the evaluation of the utilisation statistics, meaning that no inferences can be made to your identity. For this purpose, Google Analytics has been expanded on our website by the code “anonymizeIp” to provide for the anonymous capture of IP addresses.

Google will use the information gathered by the cookies to provide us with reports and statistics about the website activities and in order to provide us with further services related to the use of the website and internet usage. Where necessary, Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law or where such third parties process this data on behalf of Google.

Google AdWords

Our website uses Google AdWords conversion tracking. This measures the performance of the advertisements provided (so-called Adwords campaigns). By means of the analysis program, Google is able to more accurately assess the performance of the ads placed and both Google and us, as a customer of Google, can increase the quality and relevance of the ads that you see. Google AdWords conversion tracking uses cookies. The information generated by the cookies is sent to a Google server in the USA for evaluation and is stored there. The cookies are normally active on your computer for about 30 days. If you visit our website during this period, both we and Google will be informed that you have seen the provided advertisement.

You may prevent the storage of the cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. We advise you, however, that in this case, it may not be possible to make full use of all the features of this website.

Google Tag Manager

Our website uses Google Tag Manager, a solution that the marketer can use to monitor website tags via a single interface. The Tag Manager tool itself (that implements the tags) is a cookieless domain, and does not collect any personal data. The tool can result in the triggering of other tags, which could potentially collect personal data from you. Google Tag Manager does not use this data. On a domain level or a cookie level, if a deactivation takes place, this deactivation also applies to all tracking tags that are implemented by Google Tag Manager.


Our website also uses YouTube which belongs to Google. When you visit our website containing a YouTube plug-in, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. By this, YouTube is informed which website you visited. Furthermore, in case you are logged on to your YouTube account, YouTube may also associate your surfing behaviour to your personal account. If you wish to avoid data being linked to your YouTube account, please log out from YouTube before visiting our website.

Foto: Stephan Röhl
Foto: Stephan Röhl
Foto: Stephan Röhl

First time at ECOSUMMIT?

Here is what you need to know.

Startups interested in pitching may send us their pitch deck (PDF) to apply for a 5-minute pitch on stage that we record and publish on Youtube after the event. Approved startups qualify for startup tickets. Ambitious startups may upgrade to the Bronze sponsorship including 2 startup tickets and a marketing boost. Investors, corporates and service providers that want to go on stage and pitch their fund, portfolio or services may become one of our sponsors. Please download our Ecosummit Sponsor Pitch (PDF) and book your sponsorship by email.

We bring together fundraising startups and active investors in climate tech, energy, mobility and cities to maximise our impact until 2030. Please take a look at our list of participants and connect on Linkedin to get in touch and arrange meetings.

Join Ecosummit to accelerate your startup or fund and experience the best event in climate tech, energy, mobility and cities. Our conferences are startup markets enabling fundraising, lead and co-investing, portfolio marketing, corporate venturing, open innovation and M&A. Since 2010, we organised 24 conferences, 24 online events and published 1.400 videos on Youtube. Let’s automate sustainability in every industry and build big startups with big impact.